Taking a hundred oaths

Q: I have a question about oath in the name of Allah, if a person writes in a word file about some forbidden acts, (specifically online pornography, going to specific chatrooms etc) not to be done and includes some exceptions to the rules including an exception that states: All other points and events that I may not be able to mention at the moment or may appear to be challenge later on in time may be added any where in this file if needed. finally if person say 100 Oaths of Allah Applies to this document and valid upto for example 31 march 2015. If intentionally this person breaks any or all rules mentioned in the document lets say in November 2014, what will be the kafara for the Oaths, will it be for 1 Oath or 100 Oaths. Secondly, after breaking the Oath, would the Oath still valid or expires after breaking it as this Oath has time limit upto march 2015. Finally, after breaking the Oath first time, it that person do some or all things he listed forbidden in Oath on 2 separate occasions for long period of time, how should he calculate and pay kaffara for that. By writing 100 Oaths of Allah, intention was to make it impossible to commit those sinful things but unfortunately couldn't keep Oaths. According to Hanafi school of thoughts, kaffara for how many Qasams has to be given and how can it be calculated?

A: One kaffarah.

It will be broken.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
